Upcoming NSCRT Events

1.  2024 Call for Nominations:
The NSCRT Board of Directors is accountable for the overall leadership and strategic direction of the College. The Board composition is critical to its effectiveness and efficiency. 

The Board of Directors is responsible for:
  • Exercising visionary leadership.
  • Establishing values and goals; and
  • Advancing the mission of the College.
 The Board of Directors is seeking nominations from Respiratory Therapists, in the Active-Practicing license category, to fulfill the following positions:
  1. President-Elect (Term: Fall 2024-2026)
  2. Two (2) Directors-at-Large (Term: Fall 2024-Fall 2026).
The President-Elect serves for a two (2) year term.  The term is considered a period of mentorship. Following this term the President-Elect assumes the position of President for two (2) years, followed by two (2) years as Past-President. 

The President-Elect is responsible for assisting the President in all matters of the College and may be asked to accompany the President, as an observer, at meetings of the National Alliance of Respiratory Therapy Regulatory Bodies as deemed necessary by the Board.  The President-Elect, with the support of the Past-President, shall perform the duties of the President during the absence, illness or incapacity of the President, or during such period as the President may request.  Additionally, the President-Elect sits as Chair of the Governance Committee.

Time commitment: 6-7 Board meetings per year (2 hours each) + AGM (1 hour), 6-7 Executive Committee Meetings a year (maximum 1 hour). A variable amount of time based on role/responsibility/assignments is required in addition to attendance at meetings.

A Director-at-Large member serves for a two (2) year term and may serve two (2) consecutive terms. Directors-at-Large accept direction and duties as assigned by the President or the Board.  Directors-at-Large may be called upon to participate as Committee Chair and/or committee member or asked to join task forces charged with executing specific projects or programs approved by the Board. They do not have a specific Board portfolio (such as Treasurer).

Time commitment: Time commitment: 6-7 Board meetings per year (2 hours each) + AGM (1 hour). A variable amount of time based on role/responsibility/assignments is required in addition to attendance at meetings.
Board and committee member work is supported by the NSCRT staff and volunteers are compensated for meeting time at a rate of $25/hour (prep time is not compensated).
Based on gaps identified in the annual Board Competency Matrix nominations are encouraged from members who:
  1. Live/practice outside of Halifax
  2. Identify as Black, Indigenous, mixed race or People of Colour (BIPOC) or as a non-visible minority
  3. Identify as LGBTQQIP2SA+ or any minority sexual orientation and/or gender identity.
  4. Have less than 10 years experience  
The Board is interested in increasing representation in these areas; however, all eligible members are encouraged to complete a nomination form if interested.  No previous Board experience is required to sit on the Board of Directors.  Board training for the successful nominees is provided.
For further information or to forward a nomination, please contact Noel Pendergast, NSCRT Past President and Chair of the Nominations Committee, at noel.pendergast@dal.ca
Please note the deadline for submission of nominations is Sept 1, 2024.

Contact Us

1959 Upper Water Street, Suite 1301
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3J 3N2
